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Naked Cooking Show

18 Feb

Now the simple fact of life is that humans (among other living organisms) need to consume some form of sustenance, in order to survive. Most people refer to this consumption as “eating food” and food can be presented in a number of very creative ways.

Shown above: Very creative ways

Food can also be fucking awesome!!!! .

Shown above: Fucking Awesome!!!!

And food can also be mind blowing as is the case with Turducken. Wait “what the effing fuck is Turkducken?” you ask?

It’s this but with poultry!


Turducken: a chicken, inside a duck, inside a turkery

(You’re waiting for a train….)


However food has taken the next step from awesome to epic! In Hong Kong they have a new cooking show in which the host is a model without clothes….and she cooks….without clothes….making food….naked. Ok, well the model’s not completely naked as she wears a specially designed transparent apron so viewers can still enjoy the sight of her boobies while they remain stain/burn free! The model/host of the cooking show is 26 year old Flora Cheung who has no professional cooking experience whatsoever but clearly the producers don’t really give a shit….and I doubt the viewers will be complaining about her lack of credentials either (well the men anyway).

Hungry and Horny is a dangerous combo