Tag Archives: music


31 Dec

The typical western understanding of a girl/boy band is a 4-5 person group of sexually appealing pop singers, that never play any instruments but claim they can, and the leader of the group is always the one that has the most successful solo career (except the Backstreet Boys….who never showed definitive leadership). However, Korea has decided to serve up a big “suck on this!!!!” and revolutionized the way the world looks at this genre….

by having a ridiculous amount of members in one group….

Girl’s Generation


Super Junior




So now all the fans of K-pop can have wet dreams about ultra-massive orgies with their favourite groups.

I think the Korean, media machine has taken a very American approach when it comes to pop bands, by this I mean they’ve decided to opt for excessiveness. Of course, we all know that excess is a good thing….





At least we can take comfort in knowing that the western world will never pull something so mind-numbingly retarded like having a gimmicky, 9 member pop group.

….Fuck! Seriously guys?