Tag Archives: Star wars


4 Jan

Anywhere you go in Korea and in every entertainment district on the southern peninsula, there is a golden rule…. HOF = Beer. If you see a sign that says “HOF” it means that the so emblazoned establishment, has beer readily available on tap. Why HOF? I don’t have a fucking clue but I will attempt to logically explain how this three letter word has come to signify the dispensing of fizzy hops juice.

You see in the old country (being Germany) there is a little township by the name of Hof.

Shown above: Not Hof


Presumably the Korean’s believe that this is the birth place of beer. Personally, I think some Korean bartender just took a dart to a map of Germany and nick-named the keg juice after whatever the fuck place he hit first (although it’s quite possible that he hit Bösleben-Wüllersleben first and then decided that Hof would be easier to say).

It’s not very hard to get a cold one from the tap since these beer peddling restaurants are everywhere so there’s very little hassle when it comes to finding a hof….unless you want some hassle with your hof….

Shown above: This is funny…. right?